US CRE Outlook is Positive, Bolstered by Confidence in Employment, Debt/Equity Availability

Posted on April 12, 2018

About The NAIOP CRE Sentiment Index

The NAIOP Sentiment Index is designed to predict general conditions in the commercial real estate industry over the next 12 months. The forecast is not based on an analysis of historical data, but rather it represents a look into the future by real estate developers, investors and operators. These NAIOP members are asked to respond to questions based on their ongoing work, including projects in their pipelines. For more information, see Understanding the Index.

Download the report.

Has the US Reached Peak Storage?

Posted on April 10, 2018

According to Curbed, the 2.3 billion square feet of self-storage space in the United States could "fill the Hoover Dam with old clothing, skis, and keepsakes more than 26 times." Trends including baby boomer retirees downsizing, small businesses storing excess inventory, and millennials living in small spaces have contributed to a record-setting boom in the self-storage industry. The article cites industry experts who believe self-storage may be at its peak, and forecast a slowdown due to overbuilding in Phoenix, Arizona; New York City; and Orange County, California. Some critics have pointed out that self-storage spaces are crowding out other more productive land uses; land that could be better used for "commercial, industrial and even residential purposes." Meanwhile, China and much of Southeast Asia are catching up to the U.S. in demand for spare space and emerging as "massive growth markets."

US Administration Continues Infrastructure Proposal Push

Posted on April 9, 2018

Last week, President Donald Trump hosted a campaign-style event in Ohio to discuss his infrastructure plan. The White House Council of Economic Advisers says that, if implemented, the plan could put more than 400,000 people to work over the next decade. Infrastructure and transportation is a legislative priority for NAIOP in 2018.

Trump says he’d settle for a series of smaller bills instead of a single, sweeping bill. Infrastructure improvements could "be passed in one bill or in a series of measures," the president told reporters last week.

That’s important because many observers doubt Congress will be able to agree on any single major bill before the November election. Still, administration officials promise to keep working on the issue. "We will have a push, a strong push to have infrastructure done this year," a senior administration official told CNN. "We hope to get a big chunk done this year."

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Disruptive Forces in the Retail Last Mile

Posted on April 6, 2018

By: Marie Ruff

In 1936, The New York Times claimed, “A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.” In 1943, the chairman of IBM said, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Advances and tools that once seemed impossible are now commonplace – from flying in a commercial airplane to holding a device as powerful as a computer in the palm of your hand.

At CRE.Insights: The Last Mile, speaker David Schwebel, senior director of business development with Swisslog Technology, began his session on the automated age of industrial with these premises:

  1. Change is constant.
  2. Things don’t always go as you expect them.
  3. You will be wrong more than you are right.
  4. When you become right, it changes the world.
Click here to read the full article.

Industrial Real Estate 2018: Disruptions and Structural Shifts

Posted on April 5, 2018

By: Aaron Ahlburn, JLL

Photo courtesy of Meridian Design BuildSupply chain advances and new technologies are affecting how, where and what types of industrial facilities are being built.

Much of the media coverage of industrial real estate today is overwhelmed by e-commerce oriented topics. Retailers continue to build out their delivery, fulfillment and return capabilities, in ways that are having significant impacts on the industrial supply chain and, consequently, on the location and design of buildings. E-commerce is undoubtedly driving significant change within the industrial property sector, but real estate developers and investors should also consider a variety of other disruptions and structural shifts.

These include key changes being made along the supply chain and how those changes are affecting where and how new industrial facilities are being developed today, as well as where and how they will be developed in the future.

Click here to read the full article.

A Look Back at the 2018 NAIOP NC Conference

Posted on March 29, 2018

With more than 275 commercial real estate professionals from across the state and fantastic programming, the 2018 NAIOP NC Statewide Conference in Pinehurst was a success. The conference provided a relaxed, open setting, allowing NAIOP members to connect, learn, and enjoy a little competition on the lawn bowling greens.

Check out the conference photos provided by Clear Sky Images Commercial Photography.

2018 NAIOP NC Award Winners

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Senate Passes Dodd-Frank Reform, Aims to Clarify HVCRE Policies

Posted on March 27, 2018

Senators took a positive step last week, with an overwhelming vote to begin reforming the 2010 Dodd-Frank banking law. The measure, S. 2155, passed on a 67-31 vote, with support from members on both sides of the political aisle.

A key component of the reform measure is a NAIOP-supported provision aimed at improving the regulatory process involving High Volatility Commercial Real Estate (HVCRE) loans. The HVCRE rule, which has resulted in confusion among lenders and borrowers, was originally put into place by the Basel III committee on international banking supervision and was adopted by U.S. banking regulators. 

“The current HVCRE rule is overly broad and forces banks to hold unreasonably high capital levels before they may make certain loans,” said Thomas Bisacquino, NAIOP president and CEO. “We commend the Senate for passing a measure addressing the problem by providing greater clarity on the HVCRE issue.”

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CRE Contributions to Your State's GDP

Posted on March 26, 2018

By Dr. Stephen S. Fuller

Development and construction of new commercial real estate in the United States – office, industrial, warehouse and retail – generates significant economic growth at the state and national levels. This annual study, “The Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate,” published by the NAIOP Research Foundation, measures the contribution to GDP, salaries and wages generated and jobs supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate.

Commercial real estate development and operation of existing buildings generated the following economic benefits:

  • Supported 7.6 million American jobs in 2017 (a measure of both new and existing jobs).
  • Contributed $935.1 billion to U.S. GDP.
  • Generated $286.4 billion in salaries and wages.

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The High Costs of Poor Infrastructure for E-commerce

Posted on March 23, 2018

By Marie Ruff

Every click of an e-commerce order kicks off a series of actions that lead to the delivery of your package from a warehouse to your house – and the final stretch of that process is the most expensive part. “People expect to order anything, anytime, and have it delivered anywhere they want it. It’s a challenge for our infrastructure,” said Gregory Healy, Colliers International executive managing director, supply chain and logistics, during his keynote address at NAIOP’s CRE.insights: The Last Mile conference this week.

Click here to read more.

Six Innovative Concepts for Moving Freight

Posted on March 22, 2018

By Robert T. Dunphy

Some of these innovations may change how freight is moved in the future.

Courtesy of PelotonWhile public interest in transportation focuses largely on commuting and personal travel, much of the future growth in transportation demand will involve moving freight rather than people. Some extraordinary technological developments in this area are already underway. Innovations currently under development include the following.

1) Truck Platooning. Fuel and safety are one of the biggest concerns in the trucking industry. Being able to connect two or three trucks together in a “platoon” reduces the distance between them to as little as 20 feet, allowing a following truck to take advantage of fuel-saving aerodynamics as it coasts in the wake of the lead truck. Peloton, an automated vehicle technology company that has developed a platooning system, estimates that cost savings could be approximately 10 percent for the second truck and 4.5 percent for the lead truck in a platoon. The company may have paired trucks on the road as early as 2018, according to an October 22, 2017 Washington Post article.

Click here to read more.

Office Survey Results: Lack of Privacy Hinders Productivity

Posted on March 21, 2018

By Ioana Neamt

With all the talk of the modern workforce expecting autonomy and companies offering flextime and work-from-home arrangements, most U.S. companies still try to get employees to show up at the office. So naturally, there is ongoing interest in the discussion about the most efficient and pleasant work environment and what that might look like. Over the decades, we’ve seen several attempts by designers to rethink the office space, from Herman Miller cubicles, to the rather controversial open-plan layout and the currently highly-sought-after co-working trend. Companies have several motivations for trying out new layouts: cost-effectiveness, the need to expand quickly following a growth in the number of employees, the desire to have an office design that reflects the company culture, and so on. However, there is still one question left unanswered: what do employees have to say about their workspaces?

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Can Your Company Compete for Top Talent?

Posted on March 20, 2018

Recruiting and retaining top performers has become essential in today's highly competitive marketplace. It's not too late to find out if your salary and bonus package is competitive with the 2017 NAIOP/CEL Commercial Real Estate Compensation and Benefits Report.  

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The Urban-suburban Office Market Upswing

Posted on March 15, 2018

According to a VTS blog post, The Rise of the “Urban-Suburban” Office Market, many companies want their offices to be in dynamic locations that appeal to young professionals, but that no longer means only downtown markets. Suburban office construction was strong throughout 2017, but the markets that will fare the best will have “urban-type” amenities such as walkability, public transit, a variety of housing options, retail and restaurants. The article warns, “Owners and developers of suburban office buildings that don’t embrace this urban-suburban ‘vibe’ might find it tougher to justify new developments or sign new tenants. Simply offering big office buildings and huge surface parking lots are not often enough to draw companies today. It’s more about creating a mixed-use destination.”

Welcome to the 2018 NAIOP Charlotte Board

Posted on March 15, 2018

NAIOP Charlotte is pleased to announce our 2018 Board of Directors.

President - Cheryl Steele, Horack Talley
President Elect - Tracy Dodson, Lincoln Harris
Secretary - Scott Harris, Choate Construction
Treasurer - Alyson Craig, UNC Charlotte | Childress Klein Center for Real Estate
Immediate Past President - Brendan Pierce, The Keith Corporation
Past President - Jim Gamble, Bohler Engineering

Click here for a full list of the 2018 NAIOP Board of Directors

CRE's Critical Contributions to US and State Economies in 2017

Posted on March 14, 2018

By: Dr. Stephen S. Fuller

Development and construction of new commercial real estate in the United States – office, industrial, warehouse and retail – generates significant economic growth at the state and national levels. This annual study, “The Economic Impacts of Commercial Real Estate,” published by the NAIOP Research Foundation, measures the contribution to GDP, salaries and wages generated and jobs supported from the development and operations of commercial real estate.

Commercial real estate development and operation of existing buildings generated the following economic benefits:

  • Supported 7.6 million American jobs in 2017 (a measure of both new and existing jobs).
  • Contributed $935.1 billion to U.S. GDP.
  • Generated $286.4 billion in salaries and wages.
Click here to read more.

Last Chance to Register for the NAIOP NC Conference

Posted on March 14, 2018

This is the last week to register for the NAIOP NC Conference. Hope to see you in Pinehurst next week! 

NAIOP Members: $330
NAIOP DL Members: $300
Industry Guests: $400

Click here to register.


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Welcome New NAIOP Charlotte Members

Posted on March 13, 2018

We are proud to introduce our new association members! The following is a list of individuals who have joined NAIOP Charlotte since October 5, 2017:

  • Timothy Bahr, Healthcare Realty
  • Justin Bishop, JLL Bank of America
  • John Brock, Edwards Construction Services
  • Andreane Champagne, DCE Solar
  • Lee Deal, Trademark Visual
  • Michael Duganich, TD Bank N.A.
  • Sabrena Fernandez, Spangler Restoration
  • Mohammed Idlibi, UNCC - MSRE
  • George Jenison, Jenison Construction Incorporated
  • John Alexander Kincaid, Southside Constructors Inc.
  • Jim Langlois, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
  • Bradley Loman, GreerWalker LLP
  • Stephen McClure, The Spectrum Companies
  • Derek Meachum, Momentum Construction
  • Scott Muller, Trademark Visual
  • Brian Richards, Beacon Partners
  • Brian Simpson, M+A Architects
  • Michael Tuck, Samet Corporation
  • Cary Watts, Burton Engineering Associates

Crunching the Numbers on the 2018 Tax Law for CRE

Posted on March 13, 2018

A recent Advantage Series webinar helped members understand the implications of the new 2018 Tax Reform law, thanks to Crystal Christenson of the accounting firm Wipfli, LLC.

Catch a recap on the Market Share blog and listen to the archived webinar.

Building a Sound Infrastructure Plan

Posted on March 12, 2018

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says details about the Trump administration’s infrastructure plan should be coming out soon. The goal of the plan is to spend roughly $200 billion in federal funds and generate $1.5 trillion in spending by state and local governments and private investors for transportation, energy, water and other infrastructure projects.

Government investment in infrastructure is a priority issue for NAIOP in 2018. Last month, NAIOP President and CEO Tom Bisacquino wrote an op-ed for Fox News, reminding readers: “In the real estate industry, infrastructure encourages development. People are more likely to develop property, start businesses and choose to live where the roads, bridges, ports and power grid are dependable.”

Last week, Chao told the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials that the plan’s guiding principles are:

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New Report: Industrial Space Demand Forecast Q1 2018

Posted on March 9, 2018

By: Dr. Joshua Harris

Industrial Demand to Remain Strong as Market Becomes Undersupplied

Demand for U.S. industrial space is expected to remain robust and steady throughout 2018, with quarterly net absorption forecast to average 55.6 million square feet. This is higher than the 44.1 million square feet of actual net absorption, on average per quarter, recorded in 2017, but lower than the 60 million square feet of quarterly net absorption forecast six months ago. According to Dr. Hany Guirguis, Manhattan College, and Dr. Joshua Harris, New York University, the predicted increase over 2017 figures is due to the faster and broader macroeconomic growth and increased consumer spending expected in 2018.

The model, run on a quarterly basis, forecasts slightly lower industrial space demand in 2019, when inflation and interest rates are expected to rise, moderating growth. U.S. gross domestic product grew by 2.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the advance estimate released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, and by 2.3 percent for all of 2017. (For comparison, U.S. GDP grew by just 1.5 percent in 2016.) Sustained growth, especially with low unemployment at 4.1 percent as of January 2018, will translate into increasing demand for industrial properties as industrial users see more justification for investment and expansion of facilities.

Click here to read more.