On Monday, Charlotte's proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) public hearing took place in the City Council Chambers.
Many in the audience turned out for the Public Forum portion of the plan, but several neighborhood activists were also on hand. That group mainly wanted to challenge the ordinance provision allowing for higher-density dwellings in single-family neighborhoods. REBIC supports a wide range of housing types and believes the development of additional units is necessary to meet current and future demand.
More from the meeting
The Charlotte City Council received comments from the community on Monday at a scheduled public hearing on the proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Click here to view the resolution. The entire hearing is available here - beginning approximately at the 2:51:30 mark.
Planning Staff responses to comments are also available to view: Second Draft Public Comments - With Staff Responses.
Additional changes are in the works before the release of the third and final draft in August.
The presentation provided to the Ordinance Advisory Committee (OAC) late last week had some changes. Click here to view the content of the display.
For additional UDO resources, please visit Charlotte's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) - (charlotteudo.org).
Compiled by REBIC.com.