originally posted by REBIC for Two for Tuesday with permission to repost
Starting 15 February 2022, Land Development application permits submitted will have to comply with NCIFC 507.1 and 507.5.1. for hydrant spacing. Hydrant spacing to sprinkler system FDC, (both NFPA 13 and 13R) will have to be within 200’ of truck travel to the respected fire hydrant.
CFD will accept compliance to the current city ordinances for hydrant distance when submitted to Building Standards (Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement), for building permit, which includes the APPROVED plans from a Land Development project with a submittal date no later than 14 February 2022 or other evidence of vested infrastructure (e.g. approved rezoning plans, recorded plats, existing lots of record or subdivisions with no public infrastructure plans).
Likewise, for Land Development, a permit application date on or after 14 February 2022 will have to comply with the new “TOWER” apparatus weight and turning maneuver. The new design weight for fire apparatus access roads shall not be less than 85,000 pounds and the turn radii shall not exceed the outside radii of 42’-3 ½”. For any more specific information to design the turn template contact the manufacturer.
With no city fire presence (temporarily) in the PED, Urban, TOD, and Enhanced processes, the above information is important for the designer to design the infrastructure without delay in the Building Standards (Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement) process; CFD will verify compliance of the infrastructure at the Building Standards (Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement) review. For Multifamily reviews, a CFD FTE is still reviewing SDRMF projects. Unfortunately, this absence in PED, TOD, Urban, and Enhanced will exist until the hiring of additional FTE’s is approved.
CFD cannot guarantee a time frame of review for the resubmitted projects. At the discretion of the CLT Dev. Team, “management” of the team can approve as noted with this note: “Infrastructure will be reviewed at the Building Standards (Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement) submittal”.
City of Charlotte Fire Marshal,
Kevin Miller