The City of Charlotte is seeking applications for two community commissions. The application deadline has been extended to August 27, 2021. Nominations will occur on September 13 and appointments will occur on September 27. Below is more information on the opportunities.
Charlotte Equitable Development Commission
The Charlotte Equitable Development Commission was created with the adoption of the Future Charlotte 2040 Comprehensive Plan by City Council resolution on June 21, 2021. The Commission is charged with advising in the assessment of infrastructure throughout the city and recommending strategies that balance equitable investments in areas most in need, including areas with absent and insufficient facilities, areas growing fastest, and areas targeted for growth. The Commission will work with the Office of Strategy and Budget to provide input on the development of the city’s proposed Capital Investment Plan. The Commission will provide regular updates to the Budget and Effectiveness Council Committee and quarterly reports to the entire Council.
The committee will consist of individuals with significant backgrounds in community development and infrastructure assessments. Examples of preferred experience shall include consulting engineers in the project development business; attorneys specializing in development; developers; independent business representatives; construction contractors; bankers or insurance agents engaged in the financial aspect of development; representatives from homebuilder's association; homeowners or neighborhood association representatives.