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Infrastructure Talks Continue as Senate Ruling Makes Reconciliation Difficult

Originally published on June 8, 2021, by the NAIOP Source E-NEwsletter

Discussions over a bipartisan infrastructure deal have entered a critical stage as the Biden administration negotiates with Senate Republicans, with progressive Democrats increasing pressure on the White House to pass legislation with only Democratic votes. The White House and Senate Republicans remain at odds on major issues but have continued to seek an agreement. Republicans oppose the inclusion of what they consider non-infrastructure spending, such as long-term care for seniors and people with disabilities, in an infrastructure deal. The White House and Democrats have used the term “human infrastructure” to refer to these initiatives. Both sides also continue to argue over the funding mechanism, with President Joe Biden originally proposing an increase in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, but recently dropping that in favor of a 15% global minimum corporate tax as a means of paying for the infrastructure plan.

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White House Budget Provides Details for Biden Tax Proposals

Originally published on June 2, 2021, by Aquilles Suarez for NAIOP's blog.

Last week, President Joe Biden submitted his proposed the fiscal year 2022 budget to Congress, providing lawmakers with additional details regarding the major infrastructure and social spending initiatives comprising his American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan. In times of divided government in Washington, a White House budget is oftentimes described as “dead on arrival” as far as Congress is concerned. But with the Senate and House of Representatives controlled by his fellow Democrats, Biden’s recommendations are sure to be given substantial deference by lawmakers. Nevertheless, differences of opinion do exist among members of the president’s own party regarding many of his proposals. As such, last week’s submission simply marks the beginning of challenging negotiations that are likely to take place over the next two months.

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Deadline for Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Nears

Originally published on May 25, 2021 for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

President Joe Biden set Memorial Day as his deadline for reaching an agreement with Senate Republicans on a bipartisan infrastructure initiative, but despite several meetings and counterproposals, the two sides appear to remain far apart on a deal. With Democrats controlling the Senate, Biden had said he would resort to budget reconciliation, a procedural measure that would enable the White House to avoid a filibuster and pass legislation with only Democratic votes in the Senate, to get most of his proposed $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan infrastructure initiative enacted into law.


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Charlotte City Council Special Meeting at 5:00pm

This past week, we launched our campaign "Get It Right, Charlotte" to educate the public about the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

Today at 5 pm, the Charlotte City Council will have a meeting to straw vote on the plan. Unfortunately, all of these meetings are still closed to in-person attendance by the public and the press. Our team has discovered numerous points of concern about the plan, including the possibility of increased taxes, increased housing costs, and added restrictions to business owners.

The latest poll states only 10% of Charlotte
citizens have heard about the plan.

Since nobody is allowed in person for these meetings still, we can’t pack the room with concerned citizens like we usually would, so we need your help to "virtually pack the room" today anytime from 5:00-6:30 pm and 8:30 pm until?

You can watch the meeting on the City's YouTube or Facebook page.

How you can help:
  1. Post on social media. You can copy and paste any of these messages, or tag council members with your own messages and concerns about the 2040 Comp Plan.

      • Still, no public or press allowed inside council meetings when the Governor has lifted restrictions? That’s crazy! Just like how the city council rolled out this plan amid the chaos of the pandemic, when citizens were more worried about their health and safety, rather than public policy. The continued lack of transparency surrounding the #2040CompPlan is unacceptable and is preventing community input. #GetItRightCLT #cltcc

      • Today at 5 pm, Charlotte City Council will be having a meeting to straw vote on the plan. Since tonight’s meeting is still being held online only, we need to virtually “pack the room.” Let’s flood social media and tag, local officials, placing our concerns front and center before policy leaders. Visit to sign the petition, contact local officials, and join the conversation. #GetItRightCLT #2040CompPlan #cltcc

      • Members of the ‘Let’s Get it Right, Charlotte’ group share a concern that many Charlotte residents are not aware of the #2040CompPlan - primarily because it was released just before pandemic shut-downs. Residents are mostly unfamiliar with the scope of the plan - which will add regulations and costs to housing across all income levels. Charlotte needs a plan - just not this one. Contact your local officials and ask them to reconsider, and rework this costly plan. Visit to get involved, and join the conversation. #GetItRightCLT #cltcc

      • ‘Let’s Get it Right, Charlotte’ believes that local residents deserve to fully understand what this plan will mean for their lives - as business owners, taxpayers, and homeowners. Local leaders owe Charlotte residents that level of transparency. Visit to get involved, and join the conversation. #GetItRightCLT #2040CompPlan #cltcc

      • ‘Let’s Get it Right, Charlotte’ is a public education campaign requesting the Charlotte City Council to slow down the process of the #2040CompPlan, address key concerns, consider the costliness and the economic impact on Charlotte residents, and be fully transparent with the public. The continued lack of transparency surrounding the #2040CompPlan is unacceptable and is preventing community input. Do better, Charlotte; and let’s get this right. Visit to get involved, and join the conversation. #GetItRightCLT #cltcc

      • Use the hashtags #GetItRightCLT #2040CompPlan #cltcc and follow us on Facebook and Twitter at @GetItRightClt
  2. Sign the petition
  3. Contact local officials
  4. Share this email with other industry leaders, so we can all work together to Get It Right.

CRE Taxes Changes in President Biden Proposals

In recent weeks, President Joe Biden unveiled two momentous plans that are part of his "Build Back Better" agenda. The American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan are designed with important goals in mind, but the proposals come with significant costs that could result in consequential tax changes and have a tremendous impact on the commercial real estate industry.

We’re at the beginning of the legislative process for these proposals, and there are months of negotiations ahead of us. As a leader in your chapter, we wanted to ensure you are aware of the issues and how NAIOP will be involved throughout the process.

NAIOP’s team on Capitol Hill will be working with Congress to help preserve existing tax treatments that have supported a healthy and vibrant commercial real estate industry so that we can continue to be a leading contributor to U.S. GDP, create valuable jobs, and build communities.

The following are the major tax proposals in the plans:

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City Manager’s Response to the Draft 2040 Comp Plan

On May 6, 2021, Marcus Jones, Charlotte City Manager, released a memo providing an update on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  Included is a link to the 650+ comments from the community and the next steps.  The timeline continues to move toward a release of the second draft of the plan on May 19 with a potential vote by the City Council on June 21.  To access more information:

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021: What State and Local Governments Should Know

Originally published on May 5, 2021, by Toby Burke for NAIOP E-Newsletter

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire country and the world. Most state and local governments in the United States issued stay-at-home orders and imposed business restrictions on nonessential services to slow the spread of the virus. This caused an economic slowdown that initially concerned many state and local lawmakers.

Revenue projections from various sectors, such as restaurants, tourism and the entertainment industry, were lowered. Budgets were restructured to increase health services and reduce expenditures in order to maintain balance. State and local governments also turned to Washington for additional assistance, and they received it.

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Congress Begins Drafting Legislation for Biden Infrastructure Plan

Originally published on April 20, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

Congressional committees are moving ahead with plans to hold hearings and draft legislation to implement President Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal at the same time a group of Republican and centrist Democratic senators are trying to negotiate a smaller, bipartisan package. Republicans have objected to the inclusion of what they consider non-infrastructure provisions, such as $400 billion to cover care for the elderly and disabled people, in Biden’s American Jobs Plan. They also object to financing the program by increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% rather than fees such as the gas tax or an alternative mechanism.

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Tax Increases Accompany Biden American Families Plan

Originally published on May 4, 2021, for NAIOP.

Last week President Joe Biden unveiled his American Families Plan to provide universal preschool, two years of free community college and a paid family and medical leave program, and to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit and other tax credits. The plan, estimated to cost $1.8 trillion, would be financed primarily through tax increases on investments and high-income earners. Many of the tax increases affect provisions important to commercial real estate.


View Biden Plan Tax Proposal

Congress Returns to Take on Infrastructure, Biden Budget Request

Both chambers of Congress return to Washington, D.C., this week from a two-week recess, prepared to begin work on President Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan, an approximately $2.4 trillion package to fund infrastructure investments, research and development, clean energy tax credits, and expansion of Medicaid coverage for long-term care services, among others. Biden is scheduled to meet with Republican and Democrat leaders to begin talks on achieving a bipartisan bill, but the White House and Democrats have signaled their intent to pursue the budget reconciliation process if a bipartisan agreement is too difficult. Budget reconciliation allows legislation to pass the Senate with a simple majority, rather than the 60 votes usually required to avoid a filibuster.

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Biden Unveils $2.3 Trillion Infrastructure Proposal

Originally published on April 6, 2021, for NAIOP Source E-Newsletter.

President Joe Biden has unveiled his American Jobs Plan, a $2.3 trillion plan to fund infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges and railways, but also what the administration terms “human infrastructure” investments in childcare, as well as measures to transform the energy sector toward a carbon-free future. In order to fund the plan, the Biden administration proposes to raise the corporate tax rate from the current 21% to 28% and would seek a global minimum tax for multinational corporations.

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Legislative Issues in the Southwest: Working With Policymakers to Make a Difference for CRE Webinar (exclusive DL program)

Exclusive NAIOP Developing Leaders Program for Members in our Southwest Chapters

What are the big legislative issues facing businesses in your market? NAIOP Developing Leaders from our Southwest chapters are invited to an exclusive program to hear from industry and legislative leaders on these pressing issues:

  • Increasing revenue sources through higher commercial real estate taxes. California defeated this issue in 2020, but as states face declining revenues, CRE could be targeted.
  • Barriers to economic growth and CRE development. Our industry contributed $1 trillion in 2020, and the impact on state economies is invaluable. 
  • Environment and sustainability. Hear strategies for working with local policymakers on green roof requirements, energy benchmarking mandates, net-zero buildings, and more.
  • Business and community topics. From affordable housing to impact fees to supporting businesses as we emerge from the pandemic, how can NAIOP engage with the government to support the industry and the communities in which we operate?

Engage in a discussion with both CRE practitioners and lobbyists who work with chapters in your market, then break into smaller groups for deeper discussions and networking.

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Biden to Detail Infrastructure Proposal This Week in Pittsburgh

Originally published on March 30, 2021, for NAIOP Source E-Newsletter

President Joe Biden is expected to unveil his plans for an infrastructure and economic growth proposal amounting to nearly $4 trillion while on a visit to Pittsburgh this Wednesday. The package is expected to be divided into two parts, with the first part focused on infrastructure investments for transportation and initiatives related to Biden’s efforts to address climate change. The second package will be geared toward domestic initiatives such as national childcare programs, free community college, and universal pre-kindergarten.

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Senate Passes COVID Relief Bill

Originally published on March 9, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

Over the weekend the U.S. Senate passed the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package backed by President Joe Biden on a partisan vote of 50-49, with all Republicans present voting against the measure. Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska was not present due to a family emergency. As a result, Senate Democrats did not need a tie-breaking vote to be cast by Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Senate made some modifications to an earlier version of the American Rescue Plan that had been passed by the House of Representatives, most notably omitting an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour that had been a controversial element in the House-passed bill. The House must now pass the bill with the Senate changes, which is expected this week. Democratic leaders want to get a final bill to Biden before March 14, the date when enhanced unemployment benefits expire.

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Reg Rates Increase Tomorrow! Register Today for the March 10 Political Event

Insights from Both Sides of the Aisle
March 10, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT

Registration Rates Increase Tomorrow (Wednesday, 3/3)

Next week, hear exclusive insights on the current political climate at the state and federal levels from renowned political strategy consultants, Brad Crone (“The Democrat”) and Chris Sinclair (“The Republican”). Find out what both sides have to say about the changing real estate landscape, the new administration, and what key issues are impacting our state and industry. Submit questions for the speakers in advance here

This event is hosted by NAIOP Charlotte. All NAIOP NC members as well as nonmembers are invited to participate.

Our Speakers

Brad Crone
Campaign Connections
Brad Crone, 51, is president of Campaign Connections, a Raleigh-based consulting firm specializing in public affairs, public relations, and grassroots campaigns for trade associations, advocacy groups, and corporations. A North Carolina native, Mr. Crone has been providing governmental affairs and public relations consulting services since creating his firm in 1991. Prior to that, he was a daily newspaper publisher at The Thomasville Times in Thomasville, N.C. He was the first desktop newspaper publisher in the state with his weekly publication The Clayton Star, which he sold in 1989. Read more.

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City of Charlotte Non-Residential Building Code Ordinance Update

Public Input Sessions

The City of Charlotte’s Great Neighborhoods Committee is in the process of reviewing and evaluating the city’s current Non-Residential Building Code (NRBC) Ordinance. The NRBC Ordinance addresses interior, exterior, and property maintenance standards for commercial businesses. The NRBC ordinance was created in 2009 and has not been reviewed since it was originally passed by Charlotte City Council. 

Violations to the NRBC Ordinance can range from buildings open to vagrants and criminal activity to broken windows or major structural issues. If commercial buildings are not properly maintained, they can have a negative impact on surrounding neighborhoods and businesses. Therefore, the City of Charlotte is seeking community input for the review and evaluation of the ordinance through four virtual meetings and an online survey.


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New Resources: 2040 Comp Plan, the Unified Development Ordinance, and Charlotte Moves

Check out a newly added resource page with quick links to the 2040 Comp Plan, UDO, Charlotte Moves, and more. This evolving information will have a dramatic impact on the future of Charlotte’s commercial real estate development. NAIOP Charlotte continues to monitor and inform members about developments in these initiatives and members are encouraged to get involved and provide a voice for commercial real estate as these policies unfold.

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Biden and Commercial Real Estate: 4 Intersections to Watch

Originally published on November 9, 2020, by Tom Acitelli for the Commercial Observer.

The incoming Biden administration‘s decisions on a range of issues could impact the commercial real estate market and industry directly. Here are the four areas to watch as the former vice president transitions to the presidency this winter.

The pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is by far the biggest challenge that commercial real estate faces. The virus has emptied offices and hotelscaused a spike in loan delinquencies and a drop in real estate investment trusts’ stock performancestanked leasing and sales; and banged perhaps the loudest death knell yet for brick-and-mortar retail. Until the coronavirus is under control, industry analysts, owners and brokers say a return to (a new) normalcy in the market and the industry is out of the question.

President-elect Biden is vowing a much more direct federal attack on the virus. President Trump in the closing days of his campaign said repeatedly that the nation was “rounding the turn” on the pandemic. The country has instead recorded more than 90,000 new coronavirus cases a day since Nov. 4, the highest figures of the pandemic.

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Listen On-demand Legislative and Political Update Webinar

Originally recorded on November 11, 2020 for NAIOP Center for Education.

The Advantage Series is an exclusive member benefit, delivering expert insights into the latest research to help you make informed business decisions.

On November 11th, this webinar provided members with an update on federal legislative activity and executive agency actions affecting the commercial real estate industry, with a specific focus on NAIOP’s top public policy and legislative priorities. Aquiles Suarez, NAIOP’s senior vice president for government affairs, and Alex Ford, NAIOP director of federal affairs, will discuss issues including tax legislation, infrastructure, environmental issues, and federal regulatory matters.  Attendees can pose questions regarding federal issues affecting their business and gain insights to prepare them for any future regulatory or legislative challenges.

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House Bill 1105: The Coronavirus Relief Act Passed – Reported by NC Rep. Jay Adams

Originally published on September 9, 2020, by NC Rep. Jay Adams District 96

Below is a press release from NC Representative Jay Adams regarding the announcement of the passage of NC House Bill 1105 that will directly provide positive economic impact for Catawba County and Future Jobs.

Recently House Bill 1105 The Coronavirus Relief Act was signed into law that will have lasting impact on the United States, North Carolina and the Catawba Valley. Within the $1.1 Billion bill there is a $14.3 Million appropriation to the City of Conover and Gaston County to fund the establishment of facilities that will bring the research, development, and manufacture of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to North Carolina.

During the early days of the pandemic the US relied on suppliers based in China for a number of PPE items including, but not limited to, a variety of mask and garments used in hospitals and care facilities. As you may recall, China restrained delivery of some of the products due to their internal demand for the products and later used them for leverage in various negotiations.

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