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Charlotte UDO Virtual Q&A Session Postponed


originally published by REBIC with permission to repost in NAIOP Charlotte

UDO picture

The Frequent Users Q&A Virtual Conversations originally scheduled for January 4th have been postponed until January 27, 2022. Thank you to those who submitted questions before the previous deadline, however, the City did not receive enough questions to warrant an hour-long session. Please submit comments so that the City can facilitate a robust discussion for those who will use the UDO regularly. You may now submit questions until Thursday, January 20, 2022. Please submit your questions on the registration pages in the buttons below or via email to [email protected].

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Charlotte's UDO


Do you frequently use or reference Charlotte's development regulations?

The City of Charlotte, Department of Planning, Design, and Development will hold two conversations on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, to respond to development and design-related questions about the UDO. This session will be geared toward design and development professionals who may have very technical questions.

To ensure that all questions are addressed during this conversation, questions must be submitted in advance through the registration page or via email to [email protected] before next Tuesday, December 28, 2021. There will be two of these conversations from 12-1 p.m. and 6-7 p.m. Join the virtual conversation that best fits your schedule!

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with city staff on this first draft of the UDO!

UDO Frequent User Q&A Flyer

Two for Tuesday - Election Updates


originally published by REBIC with permission to repost on CRCBR.

2022 Elections Update (Again)


Things have certainly remained messy since our email newsletter went out last Tuesday.

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City of Charlotte Elections Filing Opens Next Week


originally published by REBIC with permission to repost to NAIOP

#1) 2022 Elections: Filing Begins Next Week


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NAIOP Commends Congress on Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill


NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, commends congressional lawmakers on the passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which now moves to President Joe Biden for signature into law. 

A longtime priority issue for NAIOP members – the nation’s foremost owners, developers, and investors of office, industrial, retail, and other commercial real estate – the bills $550 billion in new federal investments in U.S. infrastructure will provide critical financial support for roads, bridges, rail and mass transit systems, as well as underlying water, energy, power, and broadband systems, among others. 

Investment in these transportation and infrastructure networks is essential to repairing and strengthening the supply chain. Included in the bill are $17 billion for port infrastructure and $25 billion for airports – critical funds that will help address facility deterioration, lower emissions through electrification and other low-carbon technologies, and reduce congestion near these heavily-trafficked areas.  

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Two for Tuesday - Redistricting Updates


originally published by REBIC with permission to repost on CRCBR.

Two for Tuesday - REBIC


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City of Charlotte - Draft Policy Maps


This is a very busy time, but a time to be involved and aware of what is happening in Charlotte.  Yesterday (10/13), the City of Charlotte released a draft of the Policy Maps. 

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Two for Tuesday - First Draft of Charlotte UDO Released

originally published by REBIC with permission to repost on NAIOP

Two for Tuesday


#1) First Draft of Charlotte UDO Released

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Two For Tuesday - 9/30/2021

Originally published by REBIC with permission to re-post through CRCBR.

Two for Tuesday - REBIC



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U.S. House and Senate Return for Busy September Agenda

The U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate return this week in full from their summer recess, with congressional leaders rushing to meet critical deadlines to advance President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislative agenda. Prior to their return to Washington, D.C., members of several House committees had been meeting via teleconference to develop their individual pieces of a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that, by rule, cannot be blocked by a Senate filibuster. Senate Democrats (including the two Independents that caucus with the Democrats) can pass the reconciliation bill without Republican votes, provided all 50 support the reconciliation measure. Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee advanced their portion of the bill containing revenue-raising measures that will be subject to further negotiations before a final bill is voted on by the House.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had originally promised progressives in the Democratic caucus that she would not hold a vote on a Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill until work on the larger reconciliation bill was completed and accepted by Senate Democrats. However, a group of centrist and moderate Democrats led by Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) extracted a commitment from Speaker Pelosi to begin floor vote proceedings on the infrastructure bill on Sept. 27. In addition to the reconciliation package and the infrastructure bill, the House and Senate must also deal with legislation to raise the national debt limit, as well as passing a continuing resolution before Oct. 1 to fund the federal agency operations and prevent a government shutdown.

See original article here!

House Ways and Means Committee Continues Markup as Senate Returns

Originally published on September 14, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

The House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Richie Neal (D-MA), will continue its committee markup this week of provisions to be included in the estimated $3.5 trillion reconciliation legislation to be considered by the House. The committee is conducting the markup remotely, as the full House is not scheduled to return until next week. The Senate returns this week, and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) has tasked Senate Democratic committee chairs with having their reconciliation bill language ready by Sept. 15.


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Senate Passes Infrastructure Bill, Budget Resolution

Originally published on August 17, 2021 for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

The Senate last week passed the INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684), a bipartisan infrastructure package that had been backed by the White House, by a vote of 69-30. The spirit of bipartisanship was short-lived, however, as Senate Democrats moved quickly to pass a $3.5 trillion budget resolution (S. Con. Res. 14) by a vote of 59-49, with all Republicans present voting in opposition. Adoption of a budget resolution is the first step in developing budget reconciliation legislation that could pass the Senate with a simple majority and not be subject to a Senate filibuster that would require 60 votes to overcome. Senate Democrats, who control 50 votes, can pass legislation since Vice President Kamala Harris casts the tie-breaking vote under the U.S. Constitution.

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Get Involved in a City of Charlotte Stakeholder Group

The City of Charlotte is seeking applications for two community commissions. The application deadline has been extended to August 27, 2021.  Nominations will occur on September 13 and appointments will occur on September 27.  Below is more information on the opportunities. 

Charlotte Equitable Development Commission

The Charlotte Equitable Development Commission was created with the adoption of the Future Charlotte 2040 Comprehensive Plan by City Council resolution on June 21, 2021. The Commission is charged with advising in the assessment of infrastructure throughout the city and recommending strategies that balance equitable investments in areas most in need, including areas with absent and insufficient facilities, areas growing fastest, and areas targeted for growth. The Commission will work with the Office of Strategy and Budget to provide input on the development of the city’s proposed Capital Investment Plan. The Commission will provide regular updates to the Budget and Effectiveness Council Committee and quarterly reports to the entire Council.

The committee will consist of individuals with significant backgrounds in community development and infrastructure assessments. Examples of preferred experience shall include consulting engineers in the project development business; attorneys specializing in development; developers; independent business representatives; construction contractors; bankers or insurance agents engaged in the financial aspect of development; representatives from homebuilder's association; homeowners or neighborhood association representatives.

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Vote on Senate Infrastructure Bill Expected This Week

Originally published on August 3, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

The bipartisan group of senators negotiating infrastructure legislation finalized legislative text over the weekend and officially introduced the measure Sunday night. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has stated he plans to hold a vote on the bill later this week.

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) officially introduced the 2,702-page Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, emphasizing the bipartisan nature of both the process and the legislation. The bill includes $550 billion in new spending and provides more than $1 trillion in total spending on roads, bridges, ports, and broadband. The package also includes spending on Biden administration priorities, including electric vehicle charging stations, climate resilience, and water infrastructure.

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Senate Enters Final Stage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Negotiations

Originally published on July 27, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

Republican and Democratic Senators negotiating infrastructure legislation signaled they were close to a final deal, with lead negotiator Rob Portman (R-OH) saying they were “90% of the way there.” The coming days are critical after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) forced a procedural vote last week on moving a bill forward despite there being no legislative language available. The vote failed to garner the 60 votes needed for passage of the procedural motion, with the lead negotiators arguing they hoped to have any remaining issues resolved and legislative text drafted this week.


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Senate Returns to Work on Infrastructure and Democratic Budget Bill

Originally published on July 13, 2021, for the NAIOP E-Newsletter.

The Senate returns this week from its July Fourth recess to continue work on an infrastructure package supported by President Joe Biden and a bipartisan group of 22 senators, which the White House hopes will garner the needed 60 votes in the Senate needed for passage. At the same time, House and Senate Democrats are working on a parallel track to develop a budget bill that will include Democratic leadership priorities and that can pass the Senate with only Democratic votes.


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NAIOP of North Carolina Holds Successful Day at the State Capitol

Originally published on July 7, 2021, by Toby Burke for NAIOP's blog.

NAIOP of North Carolina recently hosted the first in-person Day at the State Capitol since the outbreak of the pandemic. It provided NAIOP members from the Charlotte, North Carolina Piedmont Triad, and Raleigh-Durham chapters with the opportunity to advocate for effective policies that advance commercial real estate development within the state. This year’s legislative priorities focused on three areas: economic development, tax reform, and regulatory reform.

Regulatory reform emerged as a dominant issue during NAIOP of North Carolina’s meetings with state legislators. In particular, NAIOP members advocated for strengthening the state’s brownfield program within the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. There is growing concern within the commercial real estate community that the administrative delays and inconsistencies with the current program are discouraging the redevelopment of dormant or underutilized contaminated properties.

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Infrastructure Deal Revived After Biden Walks Back Comments

Originally published on June 29, 2021 for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

Last week President Joe Biden announced agreement with a bipartisan group of senators, led by Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Rob Portman (R-OH), on a bipartisan infrastructure plan. The infrastructure deal would total $1.2 trillion over eight years, with approximately $579 billion in physical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, transit, water and sewer projects, and upgrades to the electrical grid. However, the nascent deal almost unraveled when Biden, in an effort to appease Democratic progressives, promised not to sign the legislation unless it was simultaneously accompanied by a reconciliation bill incorporating elements of his other domestic spending priorities.

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Talks Continue on Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Originally published on June 22, 2021, for NAIOP E-Newsletter.

In the wake of failed infrastructure discussions between the White House and Senate Republican leadership, represented by Senator Shelley Moore-Capito (R-WV), the focus of attention has turned to the second group of Senators attempting to forge a bipartisan deal. The effort, led by Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Rob Portman (R-OH), gained momentum last week with the endorsement of 21 senators, including 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats. A draft framework of the plan leaked to the press last week, but the particulars of the plan remain in flux, subject to changes based on a review by President Joe Biden and the White House staff.

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House Returns to a Muddled Infrastructure Picture

Originally published on June 15, 2021, by the NAIOP E-Newsletter.

Last week President Joe Biden broke off talks with Senate Republicans, led by Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), on a bipartisan infrastructure package. While both sides took pains to say the talks were held in good faith, the parties could not bridge the differences regarding the overall size of the package, the scope of what should be included as infrastructure, and the methods for funding the initiative.

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