Crescent Communities Named NAIOP 2024 Developer of the Year

Originally published on June 24, 2024, by NAIOP.

NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, has selected Crescent Communities as its 2024 Developer of the Year – the association’s highest honor. The award will be presented during NAIOP’s CRE.Converge conference in Las Vegas this October.  

“It is NAIOP’s honor to recognize the tremendous work of Crescent Communities as the 2024 Developer of the Year. Their ongoing commitment to advancing the commercial real estate industry through cutting-edge innovation and exemplary real estate development across many property sectors is impressive,” said Marc Selvitelli, NAIOP president and CEO. “Crescent Communities has demonstrated significant market resilience and adaptability, overcoming economic headwinds to consistently deliver value.”

Since 1979, the NAIOP Developer of the Year award has been presented to a development company that best exemplifies leadership and innovation in the commercial real estate industry. Crescent Communities was selected from an impressive slate of nominees and was evaluated by a team of seasoned developers on the following criteria: outstanding quality of projects and services; active support of the industry through NAIOP; financial consistency and stability; ability to adapt to market conditions; and support of the local community.

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The Acceleration of Warehouse Automation

Originally published on June 5, 2024, by Brielle Scott for NAIOP.

ABCO Systems started as a pipe and rail provider in New York City’s Garment District over 30 years ago, but as automation and increasing consumer demands have increased the need for more efficient goods distribution, the company has evolved to build and integrate material handling solutions designed for the modern era.

Attendees at I.CON East had the opportunity to tour the company’s facility in Carlstadt, New Jersey, which showcases the latest cutting-edge automation, storage and order fulfillment technologies transforming warehouse and distribution operations. Of the dozens of robotic, artificial intelligence-enabled, cutting-edge tools demonstrated, we’ll highlight a few.

Have you ever received a package with your item thrown inside, surrounded by bubble wrap in an oversized box? The FastFetch IntelliPack® uses AI and computations to select and identify correctly sized packing cartons, tracks replenishment of consumed cartons, and manages carton reordering from a supplier. It cuts shipping costs, reduces packaging labor, reduces landfill waste and reduces fuel consumption required for transporting packages.

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A Younger Customer Base Supports Self-storage Sector’s Strong Growth

Originally published on May 17, 2024, for Francis Chantree for NAIOP.

The self-storage industry stepped up to the plate during recent challenging years, again proving its resilience to real estate investors. With rising housing prices, shrinking living spaces, and changing lifestyle trends, it continues to offer a lower-cost way to get extra space for keeping all other types of possessions.

A recent StorageCafe survey found that about a fifth of Americans (18%) are currently renting storage space and an additional 14% plan to do so in the future. This ongoing engagement is boosted by the widening of the industry’s customer base during recent years, with more businesses and different types of people now discovering the service’s advantages. These clients include younger renters, more vehicle owners, and greater numbers in regions experiencing growing populations.

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City of Concord Holding its Next Sewer Allocation Meeting June 25th

The City of Concord will hold its next wastewater allocation meeting on Tuesday, June 25th at 11:00 am.  Here are additional details as well as the meeting packet (over 400 pages, may take a while to download).

New Podcast Released! - Chris Carney, Mayor of Mooresville

Let’s hit this topic head on: The crux of the no-growth argument contends that by stopping growth, current residents can keep things stable and unchanged.  Although avoiding change is impossible and unhealthy, they ignore this decision’s devastating results proven out repeatedly across the country such as skyrocketing taxes, shrinking access to housing, the inability to attract the best talent to fill needed service positions, business failure, and even a disconnect from funding at the state and federal level.  Towns age out, infrastructure deteriorates, young people stay away, and regret sets in. 

In this vein we were pleased to invite Chris Carney, Mayor of Mooresville, to our sound booth this month.  He is both a leader, a guide, and an equalizer. Contending with these passionate sentiments daily, he is slowly and surely helping his Town Commissioners and residents cooperate at the ground level promoting solid financial strategies.  With deft charm, logic, and irrefutable facts he explains how crippling the no-growth outcome is to any area. How?  Listen to this enjoyable episode and find out.

By way of background, our guest, Carney never set out to be in politics.  However, he proclaims during his interview that he is the product of parents whose political beliefs were on opposite ends of the spectrum, exposing him to a myriad of issues with a sense of scale and humanity.  Elected to the office of Mayor in November 2023, he previously served on the town board as Ward 4 Commissioner.  He was elected to that position in 2005 then reelected in 2009 and selected as mayor pro-tem.  Carney was a North Carolina Senator from 2011-2013, serving on several key committees including education, healthcare, and finance. He was also vice chairman of the transportation committee.  Carney, who has been a supporting voice of REBIC during many previous events, is himself a business owner of Strategic Capital Solutions. 

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Building Supply Chain Resilience into Industrial Development

Originally published on June 6, 2024, by Natalie Fidlow, CFA for NAIOP.

When a catastrophe hits an area, nearly one-third of local businesses fail within two years; another third fail after that.

Moderator Anne Strauss-Wieder, freight and public policy instructor at Rutger’s University, opened an expert panel discussion on why businesses and communities need supply chain resilience at the I.CON East conference this week in Jersey City, New Jersey. Fortifying the supply chain is essential to secure the long-term viability of a business and its surrounding community. Disruptions over the past few years like the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and cyberattacks have underscored the vulnerability of supply chains and the need for robust strategies to mitigate risks.

How should we approach disruption?

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NAIOP of North Carolina Advocates for CRE with Lawmakers

Originally published on June 19, 2024, by Toby Burke for NAIOP.

Members from the three NAIOP chapters in North Carolina traveled to Raleigh last week for their legislative advocacy day within the state capitol. The two-day event provided an important opportunity for attendees to collaborate on the issues facing commercial real estate and advance the industry’s interests with state lawmakers.

NAIOP’s state card on the economic impact of commercial real estate on the national and state economies reflects the industry’s powerful contribution to North Carolina’s economy. The commercial real estate industry in North Carolina is the sixth highest-ranking state in the United States for overall contributions to the state’s gross domestic product with $44.1 billion and 312,000 jobs created and supported in 2023. NAIOP members leveraged this important information in meetings with lawmakers as part of their three legislative priorities – economic development, transportation and infrastructure, and regulatory reform.

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Embracing the Change: Navigating Construction’s Most Prevalent Challenges

Originally published on May 23, 2024, by Chris Grant for NAIOP.

For many decades, the construction industry has played a vital role in reshaping communities, standing as a key indicator of economic performance and prosperity. In more recent years, labor challenges have shifted the industry’s progression, threatening to disrupt integral projects and new developments throughout the country. With issues such as a shortage of skilled laborers and the need for new technology and software, today’s general contractors are faced with many industry-specific challenges that require innovative strategies and effective planning to guarantee continued success.


One of the most widely known issues faced by the construction industry is the need for skilled labor. As the current workforce retires and the next generation pursues alternative career paths, the industry must find new ways to retain the knowledge and skills to successfully operate large-scale construction projects. One way to attract more individuals to pursue the trades is to partner with local high schools and technical colleges to showcase the various roles and specialty areas needed on every job site. This gives students a firsthand look at what a construction career could look like and offers a valuable alternative to traditional higher education. It’s also important to retain the processes, insights, and knowledge of the retiring generation and ensure this information is accessible to future project teams and leaders. By taking these extra steps, you can help new laborers achieve confidence in their roles and deliver high-quality results on each job site.

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Class B/C Industrial: What’s Old is New Again

Originally published on June 6, 2024, by Brielle Scott for NAIOP.

Given the explosion in new construction, the important role of Class B (and even C) industrial properties is often overlooked – especially those under 100,000 square feet. These buildings remain a functional and economic solution to a wide range of companies, even without most modern efficiencies.

At I.CON East this week in Jersey City, New Jersey, Jim Scott, principal at Avison Young, moderated a panel that included Nick Aileo, director of acquisitions for Wharton Equity Partners; Itay Ron, senior vice president for Northeast markets at Faropoint; and Stefan Sansone, director at Bridge Industrial.

He started by sharing fundamentals for Class B properties, which account for 8.5 billion square feet or 70% of all U.S. inventory. Class B properties have the lowest vacancy rates by asset class, with much less volatility than Class A properties, and have seen continued rent growth, with a narrowing spread compared to Class A properties, Scott shared.

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Rooftop Solar’s Triple Play of Revenue, Community and Sustainability

Originally published on June 6, 2024, by Brielle Scott for NAIOP.

Rooftop and community solar projects can advance sustainability and ESG objectives, unlock a new revenue stream, enhance community relations, and boost property values. At I.CON East this week, NAIOP New Jersey CEO Dan Kennedy moderated a panel of speakers including Matt Schlindwein, P.E., managing partner for Greek Real Estate Partners; Mark Schottinger, president at Solar Landscape; and Kat West, LEED AP, director of sustainability at Turner & Townsend, to explore the transformative potential of rooftop and community solar projects for the industrial real estate sector.

Schottinger was direct from the start: “If you’ve got a warehouse, I want to lease your roof.”

Solar power, historically, meant solar panels on the roof generated power that was used by whoever was in the building, with zero potential for scalability.

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Regional Labor Market Trends and Comparative Analysis

Originally published on June 6, 2024, by Natalie Fidlow, CFA for NAIOP.

“Labor availability trumps labor costs as a top concern in the Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets,” said David Hickey, global managing director at Hickey Associates. He led experts in a dynamic discussion at I.CON East this week in Jersey City, New Jersey. They drilled down on the region’s data and provided strategies to navigate the tight talent market.

The War for Talent

“Four out of five employers are concerned about the competitiveness of labor and if they can find it,” said Hickey, whose firm extensively studies labor markets for logistics and industrial customers.

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Charlotte City Council Approves Compact Development Provision, Alignment Rezoning On Tap

The Compact Development provision proposed by Planning staff and discussed during a prior council and committee meeting, and ultimately approved by the Planning Commission's Zoning Committee was approved during last night's Charlotte City Council meeting.  This text amendment seeks to partially address the need for entry-level and workforce housing by allowing higher density developments in certain parts of the city.  Next up will be a summer discussion of strategies to increase the amount of allowable townhome developments.  We look forward to further engagement and are optimistic about the potential approval of another text amendment targeting this need this coming fall.

Our attention is also directed toward the City's Alignment Rezoning process that is already underway.  City staff is hosting webinars this evening at 6:00 pm, tomorrow during the lunch hour, and again on Thursday at 2:00 pm.  Please take time to register and participate in one of these informational sessions.

2024 Developing Leaders Award

Nominations are being accepted for the annual 2024 NAIOP Developing Leaders Awards! This program honors commercial real estate professionals, 35 years of age and under, for their valued contributions and commitment to the industry.

As in past years, each applicant must submit a chapter support form completed by the chapter executive director or board members and a supervisor consent and recommendation form. The deadline for applications is Friday, June 28. Award recipients will be notified in August and honored at CRE.Converge this October.

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Patrick Granson, Mecklenburg County Director of Code Enforcement, to Provide Briefing to Industry Members

Please join us from 9:00 to 10:30 am on Wednesday, July 17th for an informational session about building code changes, ongoing technology transition efforts, and a status report about plan review and third-party inspections.  For more information, please email [email protected].

City of Concord Holding its Next Sewer Allocation Meeting June 25th

The City of Concord will hold its next wastewater allocation meeting on Tuesday, June 25th at 11:00 am.  Here are additional details as well as the meeting packet (over 400 pages, may take a while to download).

Charlotte Alignment Rezoning Project Underway

Charlotte Planning staff is making a push to reach out to interested parties as it embarks on the project.  The first round of informational webinars has been scheduled.  This is your opportunity to get involved and make your voice heard!  Dates and times are as follows:  Tuesday, June 25th at 6:00 PM, Wednesday, June 26th at Noon, and Thursday, June 27th at 2:00 PM.  Please register to sign up as if your life depended on it.  

Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendments

During the Charlotte City Council Zoning meeting, rezoning petition #2024-033 also known as "Clean-up Text Amendment #3" was unanimously approved.  Another item, rezoning petition #2024-067, the Compact Residential Development Text Amendment, to which we have provided significant input, also received a public hearing.  While this measure is not a perfect solution it does bridge the gap until additional text amendments can be drafted that allow for additional higher-density developments to meet attainable housing supply needs.  The full Council is expected to vote on this amendment during next Monday night's meeting.   


Town of Mooresville Comprehensive Plan Update

During last week's HBAGC Land Development Council meeting we had an opportunity to hear from Mooresville Mayor Chris Carney.  He spoke about the changes he's been making since taking the helm back in December.  During his remarks he also suggested our industry continue its engagement as the Town rewrites its comprehensive plan and UDO.  Check out Mooresville Tomorrow for additional information.  Spoiler alert:  check back soon to hear about these issues on our next podcast.

New Report: A Rebound in CRE Sentiment

The NAIOP CRE Sentiment Index for April 2024 is 52, a rebound from the September 2023 reading of 46, indicating that respondents expect conditions for commercial real estate to improve over the next 12 months. 


Key Findings:

  • Respondents have a positive outlook for every component that comprises the Index except for construction costs, which they expect to be higher next year. This marks a turnaround in sentiment for most CRE fundamentals, which was negative for almost every Index component in September.
  • Respondents are now much more optimistic about capital market conditions than they were in September. The outlook for the availability of debt, the availability of equity and first-year cap rates improved more than for other measures. This shift is likely due to an expectation that interest rates will fall over the next 12 months. In response to a question that is not used to calculate the Index, developers and building owners indicated they expect interest rates to be lower than they had predicted in September.
  • Respondents also expect demand for commercial real estate to improve slightly. Their outlook for occupancy rates and effective rents rose, with both measures now suggesting some improvement over the next year. Open-ended comments suggest that most respondents expect favorable demand for industrial, retail and multifamily, whereas office will likely continue to struggle.
  • Developers and building owners now expect their deal volume to grow slightly over the next year. This is an improvement from September, when they had projected a decline in activity. Their expectation of handling a higher dollar volume of new projects and acquisitions reflects an improving outlook for capital availability.
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Around the Region Plus

  • Mecklenburg County proposing development fee increases in FY 2025 Budget - In partnership with the HBAGC we are initiating meetings with key staff at Mecklenburg County to discuss the potential impact of these proposed fee increases.  Here is the Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) presentation that was provided to the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners on April 23, 2024.
  • Gastonia Looking for Feedback on Micro-Transit Fares - The City of Gastonia will host a public hearing on a fare increase at its regular City Council meeting which begins at 6 p.m. on May 7 and will be held at Gastonia’s City Hall, located at 181 S. South Street, Gastonia.  Additional information may be found here.
  • Town of Waxhaw Proposed Land Reservation Text Amendment - The Town Board of Commissioners has introduced Text Amendment 14-2024 purportedly to address reserving future school sites but could have the impact of curbing growth in an already difficult building environment.