Posted on October 23, 2017
REBIC has put together an Election Guide to help you cast your vote for candidates who support the real estate industry.
Posted on October 23, 2017
REBIC has put together an Election Guide to help you cast your vote for candidates who support the real estate industry.
Posted on October 13, 2017
A recent survey conducted by construction management firm Structure Tone found green building is still a major market differentiator, and employee wellness is increasingly important to tenants. Structure Tone sent its “Client Sustainability Survey” to a nonscientific sample of corporate real estate and facilities management professionals. Questions centered on participants’ opinions on third-party certification systems like LEED, challenges to building green and the newer pressures of wellness and climate change in the built environment. Findings indicated that 62 percent of respondents agreed that LEED is a valuable market differentiator, but cost is the primary barrier to adopting sustainable building practices. Over 80 percent of the respondents consider employee wellness essential to their retention and recruitment; more than 50 percent reported they plan to seek external expertise to incorporate wellness into their buildings.
Posted on October 12, 2017
Amazon’s search for a second headquarters has North American cities scrambling for ways to attract the world’s fourth-largest corporation. However, jurisdictions, even those not in the running, should take their economic development cues from Amazon’s HQ2 Request for Proposals (RFP), according to Brookings Institution’s Amy Liu and Mark Muro. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, “What Amazon’s HQ2 Wish List Signals about the Future of Cities,” Liu and Muro’s advice to cities that want to attract high-tech industry is “not to just polish up branding and marketing materials and wait for the next Amazon-scale business attraction opportunity,” nor rely on assembling parcels and offering generous subsidies. Rather, cities need to examine the criteria outlined in the RFP and “ask whether they’ve done enough to build up the fundamental assets prized by innovative firms and industries.” Those assets include:
Localities that invest in people, infrastructure and quality places rather than offering only traditional incentive packages, according to the authors, will attract the attention of forward-thinking firms.
Posted on October 11, 2017
According to a report by the National League of Cities, U.S. cities’ revenue growth will shrink for the second consecutive year in 2017. The findings in “City Fiscal Conditions 2017,” based on a survey of finance officers from 261 cities, “signal a trend that was last seen in 2006 before the Great Recession.”
Key discoveries include:
Posted on October 10, 2017
Is your 2018 salary and bonus package competitive? Find out with the 2017 NAIOP/CEL Commercial Real Estate Compensation and Benefits Reports.
These valuable reports are the national standard allowing commercial real estate businesses to stay current on salaries, bonuses, and benefits for CRE professionals from executives to entry-level positions.
The reports include:
Posted on October 9, 2017
Below are some details on the recently released Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code, in which the Trump administration and congressional Republican leadership have outlined chief areas of agreement for tax reform legislation.
While House and Senate GOP leaders and members of President Trump's economic team left many details of the legislation for the tax-writing committees in both chambers to resolve, there are several agreed-upon major provisions of interest to CRE:
We believe that these provisions will spur stronger economic growth and job creation, benefitting our industry in the long term, but many questions remain unanswered.
Posted on October 9, 2017
The City of Concord invites the public to get the first glimpse into the policies and maps that will guide the development of the community over the next 10-15 years. The 2030 Land Use Plan public input session is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10 CFA Village Suite 75 located at 280 Concord Parkway N.
With the assistance of Tindale Oliver, Planning and Neighborhood Development staff have been working to update the City's Land Use Plan to provide the framework for land use and development through the year 2030. The existing Land Use Plan, referred to as the 2015 Land Use Plan, was created in 2004 and updated in 2007.
The process is updating a land use map and supporting text document that contains data, specific goals, and policy recommendations focused on land use and development. The final plan will also guide City officials as they develop future budgets, plan infrastructure and other services, make important land use decisions, and revise current policies within the Concord Development Ordinance.
Posted on October 6, 2017
Lawmakers in the House and Senate say they’re determined to pass a sweeping tax reform bill this year. But first, for procedural reasons, both houses need to pass a Fiscal Year 2018 budget. FY 2018 began on October 1.
Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee released a draft budget that it says would balance within nine years. But committee members haven’t explained where they would find $5 trillion in spending cuts. That draft budget will be voted on by the full Budget Committee this week, then go to the floor of the Senate later this month. The House drafted a budget plan over the summer and plans to hold a vote on Thursday.
After the two chambers come to an agreement on budgetary spending levels, lawmakers would be able to turn to tax reform, which is a key priority for NAIOP. Throughout the year, NAIOP has met with lawmakers and Hill staffers to deliver the message that all federal spending and tax reform bills should protect the interests of the CRE industry.
Posted on October 6, 2017
According to a recent TechCrunch article, “VC Doors are Wide Open for Real Estate Startups,” seed and early-stage investment in real estate technology have increased by $100 million over the past 12 months. Cultural and demographic shifts along with rising property and rental prices account for the rising interest in startups.
“Real estate and its adjacent industries are broadly behind in technology adoption, so many investors look at the space as low-hanging fruit,” says Constance Freedman, managing partner at real estate-focused venture capitalist (VC) firm Moderne Ventures.
The article identifies several companies that are experiencing early-stage funding:
Posted on October 5, 2017
A report by CBRE, “What’s Wrong with American Shopping Malls?” finds retailers with low-growth rates, such as department stores, occupy a majority of U.S. shopping malls’ gross leasable area compared to retailers with higher-growth categories such as restaurants and home furnishings. This disparity, according to CBRE, indicates malls should lease to different retailers to stay competitive.
However, shifting the merchandise mix will take time. The report states retail leasing structures, such as reciprocal easement agreements that require a retailer’s permission before modifications are made to the shopping center, and the overall reluctance to change among department stores will delay the process. Those who “shift the tenant mix toward higher-growth, lower e-commerce penetration spending categories can create room for revenue growth.” CBRE also notes super-regional malls, characterized by larger sizes and diverse combinations of tenants, have demonstrated a sharp increase in net operating income over regional malls during the past four years.
Posted on October 5, 2017
On September 19, 2017, NAIOP Charlotte hosted a breakfast that discussed Moving people and products into, around and outside of Charlotte with bikes, automobiles, trucks, airports, light rail, and trains. It all impacts the future growth and development of our region. This breakfast discussion included diverse perspectives on local, state and national policy and the priorities and challenges for the next 25 years. Are their tools to help move the priorities forward? How does the 2040 Transportation Plan, managed lanes, and rail impact your business and the future of development? And, how can our industry help ensure good mobility in our region?
A special thank you to our panel, moderated by Tracy Dodson and including Ned Curran, Northwood Office, and former NCDOT Chair, David Howard, NC Department of Transportation and former Charlotte City Council Member, John Lewis, CATS.
Some of the areas of discussion include:
Posted on October 4, 2017
By: Todd Burns
Between rising costs, dwindling talent pools and looming uncertainty, today’s construction leaders are grappling with some seriously disruptive forces. But a closer look at each of these “disruptions” reveals some serious opportunities, too, as the sector begins to ramp up its technology strategy.
Though still in the early stages of change, the sector’s movement toward tech innovation represents a meaningful cultural shift, considering that it’s traditionally been slower to embrace technology than other industries.
Posted on October 4, 2017
Thank you to everyone who came out on Monday, October 2 for the NAIOP Charlotte and CRCBR Annual Golf Tournament at Carolina Golf Club. Congratulations to all of our tournament winners.
GROSS Winners
Our first place winners based on GROSS were:
Posted on October 4, 2017
We are proud to introduce our new association members! The following is a list of individuals who have joined NAIOP Charlotte since July 18th:
Posted on October 3, 2017
By: Richard R. Spore III
A commercial real estate project’s value is typically based on its net operating income, which equals rental income minus operating expenses. The allocation of operating expenses between the landlord and tenants is, therefore, an important factor in the project’s value. Most commercial leases use some variation of two basic operating expense allocation models:
Gross rent model: The landlord pays 100 percent of operating expenses from gross rent paid by the tenants.
Posted on October 2, 2017
After months of discussions behind closed doors, a group of six policymakers is scheduled to pull back the shades this week – perhaps as soon as Tuesday – and put out an outline for comprehensive tax reform. After the outline is released, “the tax-writing committees are going to take feedback and input, and then they’re going to go produce their bills in the weeks ahead,” House Speaker Paul Ryan says.
NAIOP’s legislative team has been working ahead of the process, meeting with lawmakers and their staff members throughout the year. NAIOP has emphasized that spending and tax reform bills should protect the interests of the CRE industry. That includes maintaining Section 1031 like-kind exchanges, protecting the deductibility of interest payments on financing and taxing real estate carried interest as capital gains instead of ordinary income.
Last week the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the importance of corporate tax reform. “Our current business tax system and the disparity between the U.S. corporate rate and our foreign competitors’ corporate rates has created a number of problems and distortions,” Senate Finance Committee Chair Orrin Hatch said.
Posted on September 29, 2017
Millennials, Gen-Xers and baby boomers have distinct demographic profiles and approach jobs, debt and their living situations differently, Pew Research Center senior researcher Richard Fry, Ph.D., tells Fry will be presenting the session “Piecing Together the Population Puzzle” during NAIOP’s CRE.Converge conference in Chicago Oct. 10-12. The session will dive into the patterns and predilections of demographics, related economics and what it all means for CRE. We spoke with Fry about how millennials’ characteristics have changed over time, how debt influences their living-situation decisions and how Gen-Xers, millennials and baby boomers differ in their economic perspectives. What has changed about the characteristics of millennials over time?
Fry: The Pew Research Center currently defines millennials as adults ages 18 to 36. There are at least three things have changed for the millennials over time, and some of them will continue to change. Demographically, immigration has changed them and it is going to continue to have an impact on them. In 2015, the number of millennials in the US was about 75 million, and according to Census Bureau population projections, this number will peak in size to 81 million in 2036, so this group is still growing. The reason for this growth is when the US receives immigrants, they tend to be in the family or early-working years, and most arriving immigrants tend to be in the age range of 17 to 44—the young-adult years. So, millennials demographically are changing; they haven’t peaked in size yet and are going to continue to grow.
Posted on September 28, 2017
According to CBRE’s inaugural report on the U.S. medical-office market, the steady demand for and investor confidence in healthcare-related workspace indicates it may be a “resilient sector, able to weather economic downturns and political changes.” The age 65-and-over population – now accounting for the highest per-capita healthcare spending – will nearly double by 2055 and drive an increased need for medical office space. Some findings include:
The report includes 30 U.S. market profiles and identifies metropolitan areas with low concentrations of healthcare employment and rapidly aging populations, including Atlanta, Las Vegas and Denver. According to the report, these markets will need to ramp up healthcare employment to meet current and future needs.
Posted on September 27, 2017
A recent article titled “Power of the Ports” in Real Estate Forum magazine highlights the challenges and opportunities faced by U.S. ports in the wake of e-commerce demand and the Panama Canal expansion. Investors are increasingly drawn to ports – economic forecasters predict $155 billion in capital project investments over the next 5 years creating 1.6 million jobs. In 2014, U.S. coastal ports generated $4.6 trillion for the economy, accounting for 26 percent of U.S. GDP.
The biggest investments will occur along the Gulf Coast due to the existence of energy processing plants and transfer facilities. Most growth has occurred around East Coast ports, which are benefiting from strong economies, product demand, population growth and interest from foreign exporters. Chinese shipping companies have found it more cost effective to dock in New Jersey than in West Coast ports, as the ships can then go on to ports in Europe and South America.
Experts doubt that trade restrictions will have a dramatic effect on U.S. ports. What is more concerning is the scarcity of remaining developable land surrounding high-activity ports. Builders are forced to locate on sites farther away from the port’s hub, thereby increasing the distance from customers and resulting in potentially higher costs for shippers and manufacturers.