September 26, 2022 | Carolina Golf Club
Congratulations to our Tournament Winners! Thank you to all our Participants and Sponsors!
We had an amazing turnout at Monday's CRCBR & NAIOP Charlotte Fall Golf Tournament. Thank you to everyone who came out to Carolina Golf Club and congratulations to all our tournament winners!
GROSS Winners
Our first place winners based on GROSS were:
- AM Flight Jonathan Stewart, John Lambert, Collin Ricks, Mayson Petty
- PM Flight Kevin Ammons, Michael Byrd, Chad Frye, Sean Paone
Our second place winners based on GROSS were:
- AM Flight Charles Blankinship, Zach Simpson, Nick Claudio, Ryan Kendall
- PM Flight Thomas Barker, Josh Fuller, Keith Williams, Miles Curley
Our third place winners based on GROSS were:
- AM Flight Clark Alcorn, James Kyger, Scott Gadd, Aaron Petrosky
- PM Flight Larry Wilson, AJ Belt, Robby Kirby, Robby Lowe
NET Winners
Our first place winners based on NET were:
- AM Flight Rob Nanfelt, Paisley Gordon
- PM Flight Matt Lees, Joe Curley, Trevor Hinerman, Matt Bramwell
Our second place winners based on NET were:
- AM Flight Bryan Katzenmaier, Daniel Farrar, Bob Boykin, Jeff Smith
- PM Flight John Lair, Charles Blankinship, Lee McGuiness, Gary Cline
Our third place winners based on NET were:
- AM Flight Rad Hudson, Josh Schlechty, Steve Babcock, Shannah Rydell
- PM Flight Thomas Phillips, Scott Dumler, Zach McLaren, Nick Jones
Contest Winners
Putting Contest (sponsored by Elliott Davis)
- AM Flight Bob Boykin
- PM Flight Jason Mari
Closest to Pin (#16) (sponsored by Landmark Builders)
- AM Flight Mayson Petty
- PM Flight Brian Kreefer
Closest to Pin (#12) (sponsored by Graycor)
- AM Flight Clark Alcorn
- PM Flight Ladd Wood
Longest Drive (sponsored by Giles Flythe Engineers)
- AM Flight Mike Dempsey
- PM Flight Miles Curley
Straight Drive (sponsored by McAdams & Edison Foard)
- AM Flight Alex Habecker
- PM Flight Nick Jones
Thank you again to all of our participants and sponsors. We'll see you again next year!
Thank You to Our 2022 Fall Golf Sponsors
Title sponsor